Davis Publications, the parent company of The Oskaloosa Independent and The Valley Falls Vindicator, has offices in Oskaloosa and Valley Falls. We publish each week on Thursday and our deadline for news and advertising copy 12:00 p.m. (noon) on Monday.
How to contact us:
Davis Publications, Inc.
P.O. Box 187 • 416 Broadway
Valley Falls, KS 66088
Phone: 785-945-3257
The Oskaloosa Independent
P.O. Box 278 • 607 Delaware
Oskaloosa, KS 66066
Phone 785-863-2520
Managing Editor: Holly Allen
Assistant Editor, Advertising: Bridget Weishaar
Reporter: Rick Nichols, Clarke Davis
Office, Ad Sales: Jen Trowbridge
Proofreading: Lesa Brose
Circulation: Paula Long
The Valley Falls Vindicator
P.O. Box 187 • 416 Broadway
Valley Falls, KS 66088
Phone 785-945-3257
Editor: Holly Allen
Reporter: Rick Nichols, Clarke Davis
Photography, Advertising, Bookkeeping: Bridget Weishaar
Office, Circulation: Paula Long
Ad Sales: Jen Trowbridge
Proofreading: Lesa Brose