Those Valley Falls residents who utilize the city’s water and sewer utilities should expect said bills to be higher this month — considerably higher. City Ordinance No. 15-130(k) went into effect the first of the year, amending the city’s code relating to and revising the city’s water and sewer rates. In most cases, residents will see their amount owed double beginning this month, with the January bill.
The ordinance, approved by the city council and signed by Mayor Jeanette Shipley in September, was a necessity in funding the portion of the upcoming $3.2 million sewer project not covered by the $600,000 Community Development Block Grant awarded to the city last year. The grant is a 1:1 match which will cover half of phase one. The other half is to be covered by the utility increase.
For those utilizing the utility’s monthly minimum, which includes 1,000 gallons at a monthly cost of $11.60, that minimum cost will go to $23.90.
For the average family home, which utilizes 5,000 gallons a month, a monthly sewer bill last year cost $35.60. In 2023, that bill will double to $73.34.
Residents should also expect to see an 88% increase in their water bills beginning this month.
The sewer project is expected to be tackled in two phases. The first phase will include the oldest parts of town north of Highway 16. The project consists of primarily sleeving and in some places replacing the pipes of the city’s 100-year old sewer system, 60% of which is in imminent threat of collapse.